Exit from Hegemony: Book Launch

Pavillion Room, St Antony´s College; 26 February 2020, 5,30PM

The University Consortium invites you to an event for our current and future UC Fellows, scholars, experts and others interested in Russia-Europe-US relations.


The Book Launch of

Exit from Hegemony: The Unravelling of the American Global Order

by Alexander Cooley and Daniel Nexon


Followed by a discussion with the authors "Exit from Hegemony: The Unravelling of the American Global Order and Implications for Russia" moderated by Nicole Grajewski and a glass of wine.


The event will take place on

Wednesday, 26 February  2020, 5,30PM

in the Pavillion Room (Gateway Building), St Antony´s College, 62 Woodstock Road, OX2 6FJ, Oxford