UC Modules are the intellectual heart of the UC and the gateway to our community. Our modules are multi-day training programmes for 10-12 UC Student Fellows, together with one or two visiting faculty members to pursue inter-regional and inter-generational teaching, learning, and research. Our students participate in short courses and seminars that tackle difficult issues dividing Russia, Europe and the US. Without exception, each module strives to represent a wide variety of voices, breeding trust and mutual respect.
The point of the module is not only to immerse UC Fellows in the intellectual culture of the host institution’s country, stimulating him/her to investigate and understand other perspectives from direct or primary sources. Equally important, we aim to socialise our inter-regional cohort of Fellows with one another and build relationships that will last. We offer two modules per year, one in the fall/winter and one in the spring/summer and advertise them via our local UC Principals at our core and partner institutions.