Anna J. Davis (née Davidson) is a DPhil (PhD) Researcher at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies at the University of Oxford. Her work explores how states construct and express their identities by ascribing different and nuanced meanings to materiality, with a specialisation in the Post-Soviet region. In 2023, Anna was selected as a Grímsson Fellow by the Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson Centre in cooperation with the Arctic Circle Secretariat, UW Iceland, Háskóli Íslands, Háskólinn á Akureyri, Reykjavik University and the biotechnology company Kerecis. She is also an Associate Fellow of Advance HE (formerly the UK Higher Education Academy).
At Oxford University, Anna teaches Area Studies Research Methods, International Politics, Cold War International Relations, and Russian and East European Studies. At Oxford, she is also Convenor of REES Discussion Group and of REESearch Café for DPhils as well as Researcher at the Oxford Belarus Observatory. Previously, Anna worked as an OIES-Aramco Fellow at The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, conducting a project entitled, “The Role of Nuclear Energy in the Global Energy Transition.”